How To Seduce and Attract a Gemini Man
Attract a Gemini Man
Are You Flexible & Patient Enough?
So there is a wonderful Gemini man that has caught you eye… are you patient enough to deal with him? They are two halves of the same coin, hating something one minute and finding something to love about it the next. Gemini are naturally curious and always seek new information or new adventures. They are divergent and can change their minds at any second and every second. To deal with this you will need to be flexible and might want to consider keeping your opinions to yourself.
Understanding a Gemini Man
Allow Him to Be Open and Free
The key element to understanding a Gemini man is letting the air sign in him be free. Allow him to be as open and free as he needs. If you don’t he will run far and run fast if you try to keep him tied down. He is rather independent and needs to be able to go his own way. If you are strong enough then let him do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it. All you need to do is make sure he knows that you are there for him at all times… that you can be home.
Attracting Gemini Men
Keep Up With Them Physically and Mentally
Gemini men are intelligent, flexible and adaptable. If you want to attract one, you will need to embody these same traits. Ask him out, suggest an activity date. They are energetic and love to be on the go. With a Gemini you need to mentally stimulate them as well as keeping up with them physically. Great date ideas might involve hiking or biking and if you are bold maybe a game of basketball. They love to party. Maybe you know of an upcoming party that will be lively and upbeat? Keep your game fresh and new and you’ll have your Gemini man hooked.
You ask him out, he says yes… what do you wear? It seems that most Gemini are attracted to yellow. The color yellow is mostly associated with mental processes and intelligence. Yellow, like many bright colors are appealing because they can easily respond to you using their mind first. If yellow isn’t your color, then any vibrant color will do. Just do not dress too flamboyantly or over the top. The stimulating appeal of your clothing will invite them to look further into you and notice all your details. There is one thing you always want a Gemini male to do – act, react then interact.
How to Attract a Gemini Man
Talk, Listen and Laugh
Gemini men fall in love with their head first. The one on top of their shoulders now… the other one follows later. With that said, you will need to appeal to his mind with interesting conversations. If you know something they don’t about a subject they care about, then you will instantly captivate them. They love to talk about everything including their selves and their opinions. You need to listen and have another topic ready for when the conversation dries up. Avoid lulls in conversation! Gemini men love to have fun and love to laugh. Keep conversations light and goofy but keep a lot and varying topics of conversation at hand. Remember: stimulate their mind, the one above their shoulders.
How to Attract a Gemini Men
Flatter and Flirt
Once you wrangle the beast that is their fleeting attentions, you can move on forward in your seductions. Gemini men love a flirtatious partner and love to be the center of attention. You can flatter and flirt then compliment him; you will have him in the palm of your hand. Present yourself with an air of complexity and mystery. Gemini love puzzles and impulsiveness, so the trick is for you to become a puzzle for them. You have layers and depth wrapped up in a sexy package that they need to piece together and create the picture. Do not mention commitment in your flirtations, keep them in the present situation. Let it be about what can happen when you two go home, not what will happen if you get a ring.
Gemini men do not need a huge emotional connection to have sex making it fairly easy to get into their bed. They do not need a confirmation of your love and devotion first. What a Gemini male needs and will appreciate is bold and… let us be frank… kinky behavior. Feel free to be adventurous! Ride that cowboy in reverse outside on his back porch if you dare or try every position in the Kama Sutra. Tell him how much love it or how much harder you want it. He loves the dirty talk and the attention. If you ever get stuck, Gemini men are notorious for enjoying oral sex. Then again… aren’t most men? None the less, their free and independent nature flows very well in the bedroom too. Be up for new sexual positions and create plenty of opportunity to explore them.
Keeping a Gemini Man
If you are working him for the long haul, do not ever and I mean do not ever, ever let him know you are working him for the long haul. He will run. Fight or flight was probably in part inspired by their nature. Variety and space are the keys in keeping your Gemini male. Often surprise him with a small gift or hidden handwritten notes. Do things together that promote future outings without it seeming as you are building a relationship like taking cooking or language classes or traveling somewhere neither of you have been. You are satisfying both his sense of curiosity and keeping him entertained all the while keeping you in his loop.
This mission, should you choose to take it, will be a fun one. Gemini men are a lot of work but you can get so much out of them. They do not stray, unless they are bored. They always seem to know a little bit about everything so you will always learn something. They like new things so you get to see so much that is around you. They are vigorous and stimulating, positive and happy and want to share it with someone. That someone could be you.